Álbuns de Rock mais vendidos em 2011


1. Sigh no More - Mumford & Sons
2. Born Free - Kid Rock

3. Mylo Xyloto - Coldplay

4. Wasting Light - Foo Fighters


5. Lungs - Florence + The Machine


6. Greatest Hits - Bon Jovi

7. Brothers - The Black Keys

8. Torches - Foster The People

9. I'm With You - Red Hot Chili Peppers

10. Save Me, San Francisco - Train

11. Hot Sauce Committee Part Two - Beastie Boys

12. Come Around Sundown - Kings Of Leon

13. Bon Iver - Bon Iver

14. The Suburbs - Arcade Fire

15. A Thousand Suns - Linkin Park

Veja a lista completa aqui.

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Por George Albuquerque Pinto
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